Monday, December 29, 2014

Newport Lake: Swordsmanship on the Dam

7 November 2014

Lake #1  Newport Lake, Mill Creek Park, Youngstown

Today is D-Day for my BHAG.  The 365 day countdown clock begins now.  Right away I am faced with having to give something up to stay focused on my goal.  Where I attend Zumba classes, CenturyBody (aka ZumbaColumbus), is having its five year anniversary bash this weekend and I am having to miss it in order to keep to my kayaking schedule.  I have the goal to be under 100 lakes to kayak by the time Ohio's winter weather shuts me down.  I am also being tested on my resolve to stick with this project as it is 20 degrees fahrenheit outside--remember up to this point I have been a t-shirt and shorts kayaker.

On the way to Newport Lake, I stopped at Duffy's Restaurant & Grill in Akron for lunch.  I highly recommend it if you are in the neighborhood.  I asked the waitress what she considered their lunch speciality and she recommended the deep fried sauerkraut balls for an appetizer and the reuben grill sandwich.  I am not a big sauerkraut fan.  I have married into a German family so I have it every New Year's Day for good luck and that has been enough for me.  I decided that in the spirit of my BHAG adventure to go with the waitress's suggestions.
Deep Fried Sauerkraut Balls

Adventurous and a Bit Crazy BHAG Blogger 

The crazy photo of me was prior to my taking a bite.  Wow, they were SO GOOD.  The reuben was fantastic.  I am going to try to make my own sauerkraut balls for New Year's Day this year.

I am seeing that this BHAG is going to have a bigger impact on my life than I had anticipated.  I am going to see many parts of Ohio that I would not otherwise venture to, try new foods, and have experiences that I can not even anticipate at the moment.  I had never been to Youngstown before today.  In my mind I just thought of it as part of the Rust Belt and had no reason to visit.

I came up with my BHAG in part to distract me from my monumental half of a century birthday.  I was feeling old and thinking that my time for fun and adventures was over.  It seems fitting that on day one of my BHAG I met two very positive gentlemen who referred to me as "young" and told me that I had all kinds of time left for adventure.  Newport Lake is located within Mill Creek Park which also contains Lanterman's Mill, a covered bridge, and hiking and biking trails.  Not many people were around as it was only 20 degrees out.  I had parked to take photographs of the mill and bridge when a jogger and cyclist (both older than me) stopped to chat with me about kayaking.  When I told them about my BHAG and how I wished I could visit the park when it was warmer they both said that I had plenty of time left for adventures and that I would make it back.  This chance encounter seems like a fortuitous beginning to my wonderful journey.
Lanterman"s Mill

Covered Bridge (that really is its name)

Sluice (Channel) for Lanterman's Mill

Gorge Trail Boardwalk
Lanterman's Mill was built in 1846 and restored in 1985.  It is unique in that it operates today as it did in the 1800s, grinding corn, wheat, and buckwheat.  The covered bridge is a replica of the one located there in the 1800s when farmers used it to bring their grain to the mill.  It doesn't have a specific name, it is just known as the covered bridge.  Gorge Trail is a two-mile loop along Mill Creek with sandstone outcroppings and beautiful views.

Newport Lake just squeaks in at the 100 acre size with 40 acres of that being wetlands.  Much of the lake is only deep enough for a kayak or canoe.  Access to the lake is via either East or West Newport Drive, both of which are one-way north from Shields Road.  There is a boat launch ramp off East Newport Drive with parking and enough room to turn around a trailer.  Coordinates for the ramp are 41.05980, -80.67396.  There are no facilities available at this location.  

A small marina is located at the boat rental on West Newport Drive near the dam.  Coordinates for the  boathouse is 41.06312, -80.67859.  Restrooms are available at the Boathouse during warm weather.  Rentals of kayaks, canoes, and paddle boats are available from Memorial day weekend through Labor day.  Boating is permitted on the lake with your own boats from March 1st to November 30th.  

So now to the actual kayaking. Well, not so fast.  It takes a while to get dressed for 20 degree kayaking.  Hypothermia is a real risk.  At these temperatures you have about a 15 minute survival period if you enter the water.  In this cold it would be very unwise to kayak alone so I have dragged my husband along.  I will talk about clothing and gear in later blogs.  I will tell you what has worked and not worked for me.

The name of this blog is Swordsmanship on the Dam.  You may have wondered what in the world that means.  Well, I am going to tell you.  After kayaking the wetlands and most of the lake, we headed over to check out the dam where we watched two swordsmen proceed to have a duel.
  Given the unusual occurrence of seeing a sword fight, I decided to name the duck for Newport Lake Inigo for the fictional character Inigo Montoya from the novel The Princess Bride.  Inigo is a Spanish fencer who has devoted himself to becoming a great swordsman to avenge his father's death.  In the Rob Reiner 1987 film adaptation, the character goes around saying "Hello.  My name is Inigo Montoya.  You killed my father. Prepare to die."  Strange, I know but it seemed fitting somehow.

Inigo, Newport Lake 
After watching the sword fight it was time to head back to shore and call it a day as daylight was quickly departing.  It was a great start to my BHAG.  No one fell in, no one got hypothermia, and I had FUN!

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