Monday, July 20, 2015

60 Lakes Kayaked

Over the weekend, I kayaked the 60th lake in my BHAG project. I am woefully behind on my blogs.

As you know from reading my blog, I take a different baby duck out with me for each lake I kayak.

Once I take a duck out on a lake, I put it on my desk until I write the blog post for its lake. The duck sits there as a reminder of the work that still needs done.

Well, the ducks are about to take over.
Ducks Waiting For Blogs to be Written
This week my goal is to focus on blog posts. There is no way I will catch up this week but I am going to try to get as many completed as possible.

If you go to my blog post "I'm the Map, I'm the Map" you can see which lakes I have kayaked so far. The map is up to date with completed lakes having a green pin.

May all your roads end in water,

Mama Duck Mona

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