Saturday, October 17, 2015

Bresler Reservoir: A Special Duck For a Nonspecial Paddle

25 June 2015

Lake #40        Bresler Reservoir, Allen County

It has been 18 days since I have been kayaking; the longest break I have had since starting my BHAG on November 7th (not including my forced shut down during winter). I am eager to be out on the water kayaking but I wish I were some place more exciting than Bresler Reservoir. Bresler, at 582 acres, is one of the largest upground reservoirs in northwest Ohio and is prettier than many but it is still just an upground reservoir. This is the first of five city of Lima reservoirs on my schedule for the weekend. Standing at the southwest corner of Bresler, at the intersection of Agerter Road and Grubb Road, I could see the next reservoir on my paddle list, Williams. If it were not for my BHAG I would not be kayaking these reservoirs but I am, so I plan to try to make the best of it.  
Bresler Reservoir
Upground Bresler Reservoir
Williams Reservoir Right Next Door 
Bresler Reservoir is located approximately 4 miles west of Lima off Highway 81. The sole boat ramp is located on the east side of the reservoir off Kamp Road. The reservoir has no facilities. There is a 3.5-mile trail around the reservoir that is popular with walkers. The reservoir averages 20 to 35 feet deep. There is a large reef on the southeast corner, near the water outlet, where the water depth is only 10 to 15 feet. Only electric motors are permitted. As I started my paddle, it was a gray day with threats of thunderstorms. In addition to me, there were three fishermen out on the water.
Bresler Reservoir Boat Ramp
Looking West From Boat Ramp 
Paddling South From Boat Ramp
Paddling Southwest Toward Water Outlet 
The reason I went so many days without kayaking was that I was in New York City with my daughter to see her sing at Carnegie Hall. While I was in New York, I purchased a Statue of Liberty rubber duck for my BHAG. Since this is my first lake upon my return, it gets to have the special baby duck. I am naming the duck Carnegie in honor of my daughter’s performance.
Baby Duck Carnegie
I paddled the southwest corner of the reservoir around the reef area. I wanted to see if I could feel any difference in the depth of the water simply by paddling over it. I couldn’t. It all felt the same. In addition to feeling the same, it all looks the same. It was a gloomy day and I still had Williams Reservoir to go, so I made it a short paddle.
Looking North Toward Boat Ramp 
May all your roads end in water,

Mama Duck Mona

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